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2022 Coordinating Team

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Karlee Fellner

Lead Coordinator-Division 45

Dr. Karlee Fellner is Cree/Métis from central Alberta and is an Associate Professor in Indigenous Education Counseling Psychology at the University of Calgary. Dr. Fellner centers Indigenous epistemologies and methodologies in her research, pedagogy, and counseling practices. 

J. Garrett-Walker

Program Coordinator-Division 44

Dr. Garrett-Walker is an Associate Professor in Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Dr. Garrett-Walker utilizes quantitative and qualitative methodologies to examine the intersections of multiple identities; specifically racial, religious and sexual identities, for  Black LGBTQ2S+ emerging adults.

Wendy Peters

Keynotes & Fundraising Coordinator- Division 35

Dr. Wendy Peters is Native Hawaiian. She is the principal of Native Teachings Consortium, an LLC doing consulting and community-based engagement and research. She also adjuncts for Antioch University and The Sage Colleges. Dr. Peters's scholarly focus is health disparities and substance use primarily with American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other underserved or marginalized populations.

Delishia Pittman

Awards & Entertainment Coordinator-Division 17

Dr. Pittman is an Associate Professor of Counseling and Director of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at The George Washington University. Her research focuses on Black emerging adult health behaviors and outcomes, with current emphasis on Black women's sexual and psychological wellbeing. 

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