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NMCS Objectives

  1. To create a welcoming forum for the exchange of ideas regarding multiculturalism and disparities reduction between psychologists, trainees and related health professionals.  

  2. To prepare psychologists, trainees, educators and related health professionals to address the needs of diverse people worldwide through multicultural education, health, well-being, policy and advocacy.

  3. To disseminate knowledge by experts in multicultural psychology to professionals, trainees and organizations invested in multicultural concerns.   

  4. To apply multicultural psychology to the daily functioning of individuals, groups, organizations and educational institutions. 

  5. To understand the impact of social media (or technology), including its roles in promoting social justice and expanding access.

  6. To move beyond the binaries of our understandings of identities and experiences and to promote a fluid perspective to our work embracing intersectionality.

Youth Conference
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